Christopher Campbell 3/30/08
Starr 4 Revelation
Concepts: What is Revelation? What is a trope / revelation trope?
A revelation is something that tries or attempts to reveal the unknown. It is also a disclosure or enlightening idea, or realization that helps you better understand the world. Within a revelation, there is a prophet and the revealer. We find ourselves watching the same movies or reading the same story lines over and over again which is known as a trope. A revelation Trope is a familiar thing you see / certain element used over and over again or something that occurs more than once in different things. Some crucial elements of the revelation trope are things that might be life changing, a revealer and prophet, crisis, something big happen to the revealer. Some key elements to a revelation trope are the prophet and the revealer try to share a message that connects the dots in a new way but the new message offers a vision of a redeemed world, but there is opposition to the message and then drama occurs. The revelation only works if the prophet is ready to take upon their responsibilities and take action for the good of others. It is the prophets choice whether or not they Each revelation or message that is being presented to the prophet might not be a world changing factor, but it can be either self life changing or a small percentage of the real world’s situation that can later on make a difference. In a revelation trope the revealer and prophet seems to be physically opposite or distinct from one another. Also there are certain scenes or descriptions from books and movies that can be seen in revelation tropes.
Tropes can play a major role in either a book or movie because the audience can identify the reoccurring scene and can connect it to other things to try and reveal its meaning. Elements of a revelation trope consist of the following: ignorant masses, an unacceptable situation, a prophet or revealer trying to share a message that presents things in a new way and that offers a new redeemed world, opposition to the messenger, and then drama occurs. A trope can be seen within movies, plays, and literature. One example of a revelation trope is a famous childhood fable called “The Emperors New Clothes” by Han Christian Anderson. Two scoundrels accomplish to play a trick on the emperor in believing that they were tailors and have developed this way of making clothes that are invisible and that those who are too stupid and incompetent to appreciate its value. When the scoundrels presented the new clothing to the Emperor, he is too afraid of being viewed as stupid that he pretends that there is really a garment. Others within the kingdom also pretended that there was a garment because they were also afraid of being seen as stupid. The people of the town heard about this garment being made and were anxious for the Emperor to show them. The Emperor agreed to show them, even though when he looked in the mirror, he only saw himself naked, not a beautiful suit. As the Emperor paraded down the main square, the people all pretended to see something, in fear of letting their Emperor know they were too stupid. However, a child came forward and said “The Emperor is naked,” and soon everyone else in the crowd realized it was true. The Emperor knew they were right, but refused to admit to it, so he simply stood there on his carriage continuing on with the parade. The scoundrels in this story are the messengers, as they are trying to prove how vain the Emperor truly is. The unstable situation is the fact that the people are so ignorant and that the Emperor is so concerned with his clothes and how he looks. The ignorant masses are so afraid of being seen as something, that they try to ignore the truth, thus there is opposition to the message. In the end, the drama that occurs is the uproar of the crowd, and the Emperor as he continues to stand there naked before them.
Another prime example of the revelation trope is the movie The Matrix. In the matrix, Morpheus makes Neo realize that the world as he knows it is not reality and just a lie. It is simply fragments of a computer program. Morpheus brings Neo into what is the real world, believing that Neo is “the one”. While Morpheus is trying to convince Neo of the real world, the machines which are running this real world attempt to stop him from getting his message across. In this movie, Morpheus can be seen as the prophet. The message which he is attempting to reveal is that the world as Neo knows it is fake. The ignorant masses is almost the entirety of the human race, as they are simply living in a computer program with no idea that what they are living is not reality. The opposition occurs when the machines begin to fight against Neo. In order for Neo to realize that he “the one” he must first accept the message being presented by Morpheus, in which later on he does.
As seen in many other revelation tropes, the revealer can also be the prophet as well because they are usually presenting a message in which others can not see or are too afraid to realize what is really going on. They are usually the ones who are more out spoken and have stronger physical apparel then many others.
In many situations, the prophet can find themselves having to sacrifice their own lives in order to save their disciples life. In this situation, this makes the disciple either realizes they are truly the chosen one or allow them to over come their fears and take control of their inner powers or force. In the movie Star Wars, in the scene when Obi-Wan, Luke, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2 and C3PO are aboard the enemies ship, trying to make their way back to their own ship, Obi-Wan makes it possible for them to return to their ship by beginning a fight. Obi-Wan begins a light saber duel between Darth Vader, which allows the rest of them to get back to their ship safely. Obi-Wan then allows Darth Vader to kill him as he warns him that he will become “more powerful than you can possibly imagine.” Obi-Wan sacrificed himself in order to help the rest of them make their way back to the ship. In The Matrix, Morpheus, who is the prophet and is teaching Neo, the disciple, tells the others to escape while he distracts the Agents by fighting them. He knows he will not be able to save himself, for the Agents are way too strong for him to fight alone. Despite knowing that he will most likely die, he chooses it is more important to let Neo get away then to save himself. Both sacrifices, by both Morpheus and Obi-Wan, became a much more impacting factor on the life of the disciple. When Morpheus allows himself to be captured by the Agents, it inspired Neo to take action. Early, Neo had been somewhat reluctant to completely take part in the Matrix. However, once they learn that Morpheus is in trouble, and has allowed himself to be captured, Neo becomes more willing to help, and he decides that he is going to return and save Morpheus from the Agents, despite how dangerous it may be. Just as Neo was inspired to rescue Morpheus, after Obi-Wan had sacrificed himself, Luke becomes more connected with the force. After the others escape and return to the Rebel Alliance, Luke agrees to join the assault team which is working to destroy the Death Star. While Luke is on his way to the center of the Death Star, it’s discovered that Darth Vader has sent out ships to destroy Luke on his way. Seconds before the Death Star is about to destroy the Rebel base, Luke hears Obi-Wans voice telling him to “use the force”. Luke then fires the shot that destroys the death star and saves the Rebel base. In both situations, it is not until something bad happens to the prophet that the disciple begins to truly take action and pursue the message they were given in the revelation. It was not until Morpheus was about to be killed, that Neo began to truly fight back in the Matrix. In Star Wars, it was not until Obi-Wan were killed, that Luke truly accepted to use the force, which is the message Obi-Wan wanted to get across. Something negative must happen to the Prophet that will then encourage the disciple to take action of the revelation on their own without the guidance of the prophet.
In the movie “Foxfire” the revelation message is that one needs to stand up for themselves and others. The teacher was sexually harassing one of the students and Angelina’s character “Legs” gets a group of the female students and the beat up the teacher. The message that the students send to the teacher is that if you hurt one of us you hurt all of us. The way Legs stood up for the several other girls in the school is just the same way as Neo had to stand up to the evil agents in order to save Morpheus. Both Neo and Legs where in fact out powered because Legs is just a teenager and Neo feels as if he is just a normal human, they both find the faith and courage within them in order to stand up to what is most important to them, and that affect others lives as well.
Analysis/ Theory
While looking at many different Revelations / revelation tropes there are many new important aspects that are being presented to the audience that is more then seen by the naked eye. One theory I believe or came up with is “the disciple seems to always be denying that they are the one, but they are never against the actual message that is being presented to them by the prophet”. Throughout the movies “Star Wars” and “The Matrix”, both Neo and Luke have the feeling that they might be the chosen ones but they are both too afraid to take the responsibility. They must need someone to convince them and give them guidance that they have the powers and force and must figure out how to accept it.
Also I began to realize that the prophet is always much stronger than the disciple……
Also in many situations of the revelation trope, there is a trader involved that is trying to stop the prophet from getting his message across to his disciple. This is usually known as the Judaist trope, which is the trader / betrays the good side and prefers the bad side. In Star wars, Dark Vader was the prophet until he became evil leader and tries to stop Luke from accepting the powers and defeating him. While in The Matrix, the trader felt as if his revelation was not the same as what he has been told by Morpheus and then gives up and tries to kill Neo and allows Morpheus to get killed.
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Right on! This is a strong start.
Nice comparison of Morpheus and Obi-Wan sacrificing themselves for their somewhat dimwitted pupils. Take that further -is it a necessary part of the "coming to consciousness" or "realizing the reality of the revelation"?
Can you give us some line breaks (a blank line) between paragraphs?
Keep going with the analysis. See if you can bring in some of the book material.
Chris, you've been agonizing me to comment on your page:), so here it is...
Let me start out with my favorite lines. I liked your analysis towards the end, where you said "in many situations of the revelation trope, there is a trader involved that is trying to stop the prophet from getting his message across to his disciple. This is usually known as the Judaist trope, which is the trader / betrays the good side and prefers the bad side"
You expand on this by stating examples in the Matrix and Star Wars. To make the examples you talked about stronger, add specific quotes_such as a quote from Cypher (the traitor in the Matrix) when he tells Trinity that he is disappointed by the real world and rather live in the Matrix.
You also touched upon how "the prophet is always much stronger than the disciple" what way is the prophet stronger? in what way is the disciple stronger? What exactly do you mean by stronger and how does it connect to the disciple's dependence on the prophet and overall grasp of the message? (you don't have to talk about this, but these are suggestions).
In the first paragraph, you don't finish your sentence...
"It is the prophets choice whether or not they Each revelation or message that is being presented to the prophet might not be a world changing factor" just finish your thought.
Also in the first paragraph, I notice that you use "thing" alot. Try to limit yourself from using that word (state the sentence in a different way or use another word to replace it).
There are some grammar mistakes. If you want me to try to fix them throughout your paper, just let me know.
Overall, I think your descriptions are solid, but try adding more books. Continue adding more analysis.
Now comment on my paper!!(below the posts of my comments) :)
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