Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Corporate Messages (New)

Dominant corporate messages are things or ideas that we see with in our daily lives that influenece the way we live. The dominant corporate messages can influence our lives by what we eat, the way we look, what we buy, how we shop, and how we live. Looking deeper in to these corporate messages we see that the way they want us to live is almost like some kind of brain wash the society has on the environment around us. These dominant corporate messages betray to be things we need in order to live a good and meaningful life, but in reality the pop culture is manipulating us to spend our money or alternate the way we want to live to keep up with today's society "hip" and "cool" things. I think that in our society today the dominant corporate messages are that materials will make you happy. We see several dominant messages being shown through television, magazines, commericals, and the internet.
While surfing the web I came across VH1.com, while looking through their website I felt as if VH1 had a main corporate message which is becoming famous, but at the same I noticed that several of these shows displayed on VH1 are reality shows. The reality shows contradicted the message because they were showing how becoming famous affected these individuals lives and showing how these famous people were acting irresponbile. The shows showed that we as the society should not act like these people but at the same time, the shows were making these people become some type of idolized figures, which made no sense.
I think that in our society today the dominant corporate messages are that materials will make you happy. For example in the commercial that says "Every kiss begins with a Kay". The commercial is for a jewelry store and basically what they are trying to tell the viewers is that the jewelry will make your girlfriend/ boyfriend happy and that their love for each other will become greater. People are relying on senseless items to strengthen their love relationship, instead of spending their hard earned money on their lover, they could be spending quality time with their lover which is price less.
The dominant message that materials will make one happy cause people to rely on the materials they want so that if they don't get what they want they are angry until they get that thing. I think it is sort of similar to a drug addiction. People who are addicted to heroin or cocaine try it and then their bodies rely on the drugs and the junkie must get the drug or they go into a different state where their body gets all messed up. Then to keep on getting the drugs for their system they do things like become prostitutes so they can get what they need. People who think that the materials will make them happy buy and buy then when they don't have enough money or can't get the material they rob banks and steal from people because they think they will be happy with the money.

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