Sunday, February 22, 2009

Research Questions

1. What is it like to live in a nursing home?
2. What do old people do for fun?
3. What are their responsibilities?
4. Well organized lives or spontaneous?
5. What do you do with your time?
6. Do you have company over often?
7. How often do your kids check up on you?
8. How do you cope with health conditions?
9. How active are you in your community?
10. How do you feel internally?
11. What do you find comforting?
12. Would you prefer living with other old people? Young people?
13. How many old people are abusing substances to feel better?
14. How many old people live in poverty?
15. How many people get beat up in homes?
16. How do they spend their money?
17. Whats your prefered enviornment?
18. Are old people with grandchildren happier then old people without them?
19. What is the suicide rate for old people?
20. What is it like to feel dependency?
21. What percentage go to therapists?
22. What are your values/ think is worth doing/ think is fun to do?

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