Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Food #5: Grocery Store and habitual food

When my family goes grocery shopping my mother usually buys a variety of stuff fruits, vegetables, different types of meats (chicken, pork chops, hotdogs, ground beef) things like that. She buys these different things so that way we won't be eating the same things every night or every week. In order to live more meaningful a good way to start is to experience different types of food and experience different types of flavors. Sometimes my dad might fry the chicken or most of the times bake the chicken, which he also does for the pork chops. I like when my father bakes food because he seems to add different flavors to the meal each time. I notice that once I try things I usually don't eat I seem to enjoy it more because im not used to that taste but it is more enjoyable because its new.

The store that my family usually shops at are called Associate or Stop and Shop, these types of grocery stores push there food by having sales, different types of discounts on different foods handing out news paper. One way stores push particular types of products is by having yellow posters or just bright colors to catch our attention in our eye sight, or having the price of the product in a large font so our face expression can drop and be like wow that's cheap so we can buy it. This can also alternate what someone likes or wants just because of the cost or a sale. People will buy the cheaper product which might not have the same taste or quality as the more expensive products. Thats why when my mother has extra money she might buy more snacks, chips, things that we like, and not just the stuff we need.

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